Anthony St Apps

Circle Contacts Widget 1.01.06
Anthony St
Add your favorites contacts on your homescreen as a simple circle containing its photo.It's possible to configure the widget to display a squared one,or to set the photo as black & white instead of colored.A simple press on the widget allow you to quickly send amessage, call the contact or go to its address.Add your favoritecontacts on your home screen as a single circle Containing ictspicture.It's feasible to configure the widget to display a squared one,or to set the picture as black & white INSTEAD of colored.A single press on the widget allow you to Quickly send a messagecall or go to the Contact address icts.
Dicovery 1.2.06
Anthony St
Dicovery is an easy reflection game, but willbeat your brain out.You have a 8 letters per 8 letters grid, filled with random andexisting words from 2 letters to 8 letters length.4 letters has also been inserted randomly.It's your turn to build words, from 2 letters to 8 letters, withthis grid !But be careful :- build the longest words as possible ;- build less words than used to build the grid ;- and also... complete the grid ! Each remaining letters willimpact your final score.Many game modes are available :- Classic : beat the grid score !- Timer : reach the highest score as possible... in the timeallowed !- Online : play with a friend on the same grid, and try to beatyour opponent score !Do you think you are able to beat the grid ?Many languages are available now :- English- French- Spanish- ItalianMore languages to be implemented !
HD Pictures Watchface 1.8
Anthony St
A clear watchface for Android Wear. Thecircles indicates the current hour, minutes and seconds, and areanimated when your wear quit the ambient mode.This watchface is highly customizable, and may be suitable foreveryone !More than 250 beautiful colors from the Android Material Designstyle, and many different typefaces are available !New feature ! Set your favorite picture from your phone asbackground of your Watchface !New feature ! Tap three times on the watchface to launch yourfavorite application !You can personalize the colors of the following elements:- Seconds circle- Minutes circle- Hours circle- Global background- Clock circle background- Clock- Glow effect on texts- Date- ShadowsYou can also change the dimensions of the followingelements:- Clock- Date- Date position- AM/PM- AM/PM position- Circles stroke- Circles offset- Glow effect intensityCustomize the typeface with :- Classic fonts (normal, bold, italic...)- Original fonts (pixels, arcade...)- Simply ask the developer for a new typeface ;)And finally, you can enable/disable :- 24h clock format- Display of the date- Display of AM/PM- Glow effects- Animations- Shadows- Clock background circle- Notifications in ambient mode...
Pictures Editor 2.17
Anthony St
"ImageEditor" s'appelle désormais"PicturesEditor" !Pictures Editor est une application qui vous permet demodifierrapidement et en toute simplicité vos photos préférées oubien unephoto prise à l'aide de la caméra de votre téléphone.Elle propose plus d'une quarantaine d'effets, comme parexemple:- l'ajustement de la luminosité, du contraste, de la teinte, delatransparence ;- la correction gamma, la correction automatique du spectre ;- la pixelisation, le floutage, la réduction de bruit ;- la rotation de l'image, les symétries ;- l'inversion des couleurs, l'application d'effets sepia,essence;- le passage en noir et blanc et en couleur ;- les monochromie, bichromie et octochromie par seuillage ;- le découpage de l'image suivant un rectangle ou un cercle ;- ainsi que de nombreux autres filtres et effets (dessin,relief,pastel ...)Mais surtout, Pictures Editor est une des seulesapplicationsAndroid vous offrant la possibilité de créer vous mêmevotre proprefiltre qui sera convolué sur l'image, en saisissant ses9paramètres matriciels ! (de simples nombres entiers, positifs,nulsou négatifs, à votre guise !). Testez, et voyez le résultatsurvotre image !Désormais, vous pouvez partager vos créations avec vosprochesvia Facebook, Twitter, Hangout, MMS, e-mail, Dropbox ... oubientout simplement les enregistrer sur votre téléphone.De nouveaux filtres et effets sont à prévoir dans deprochainesmises à jour, ainsi que l'intégration d'un algorithme detraitementpar partie vous permettant d'enregistrer vos créations enhautedéfinition.L'application est donc en constante évolution ; vos remarquesetcommentaires que je reçois par e-mail comptent beaucoup dansledéveloppement de Pictures Editor !"ImageEditor" isnowcalled "Pictures Editor"!Pictures Editor is an application that allows you tochangequickly and easily your favorite photos or a photo taken withthecamera of your phone.It offers more than forty effects, such as:- Adjusting the brightness, contrast, hue, transparency;- Gamma, AutoCorrect Spectrum Correction;- Pixelation, blurring, noise reduction;- The image rotation, symmetries;- Reversing the colors, the application of sepiaeffects,gasoline- Switching to black and white and color;- The monochrome, duotone and octochromie by thresholding;- The cutting of the image along a circle or a rectangle;- As well as many other filters and effects (drawing, reliefpastel...)But most importantly, Pictures Editor is one of the fewAndroidapplications offering you the opportunity to create yourselfyourown filter to be convolved image, grabbing his 9 parametersmatrix!(Simple positive integers, zero or negative, on your own!).Testand see the result on your image!Now you can share your creations with friends and familyviaFacebook, Twitter, Hangout, MMS, e-mail, Dropbox ... or simplysavethem to your phone.New filters and effects are to be expected in future updates,aswell as the integration of an algorithm for treatmentsectionallows you to save your creations in high definition.The application is constantly evolving; your commentsandfeedback I receive an e-mail account in the development ofmanyPictures Editor!
UPMContact 2.7
Anthony St
/!\ /!\ /!\ ATTENTION /!\ /!\ /!\Cette application n'est plus maintenue.Le contenu qui y est proposé est à la responsabilitédesutilisateurs l'ayant posté sur le serveur.UPMC ContactCette application est destinée aux étudiants deJussieu(Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI).Elle est en cours de développement par des étudiants M2 dumasterSciences de l'Ingénieur, option InformatiqueIndustrielle.Date de mise en service officielle : vendredi 14 mars 2014Fonctionnalités disponibles :- Inscription- Accueil avec affichage des informations "à la une", etdesderniers objets signalés perdus/trouvés- Consulter le news-feed des informations diffusées parl'UPMC- Consulter le news-feed des informations diffusées par leBDE- Consulter le news-feed des promotions diffusées parlescommerçants- Signaler un incident (avec possibilité d'ajouter une photo)- Signaler un objet perdu / trouvé (avec possibilité d'ajouterunephoto)- Consulter la liste des objets signalés perdus/trouvés(avecpossibilité de contacter l'utilisateur)- Marquer un objet perdu (trouvé) comme retrouvé (récupéré)- Chat inter-étudiant- Page de paramètres : check de la dernière version disponiblesurle Play Store + statistiques de reports utilisateur- Gestion du mode hors-ligne : le contenu déjà consultéresteradisponible sans réseau- Disponible en anglais (par défaut) et en français/!\ /!\ /!\ WARNING/!\/!\ /!\This application is no longer maintained.Content that is available is the responsibility of the usershavingposted on the server.UPMC ContactThis application is for students of Jussieu (University PierreetMarie Curie - Paris VI).It is being developed by students of the Master M2EngineeringScience, Industrial computing option.Date of official commissioning: Friday, March 14, 2014Available features:- Registration- Home with information display "on one", and the lastreporteditems lost / found- Consult the news-feed of information disseminated by UPMC- Consult the news-feed of information disseminated by theBDE- Consult the news-feed broadcast promotions by retailers- Report incident (with option to add a photo)- Report a lost object / found (with option to add a photo)- Consult the list of objects reported lost / found (withthepossibility to contact the user)- Mark a lost object (found) as recovered (recovered)- Chat inter-student- Settings page to check the latest version available on thePlayStore + user statistics reports- Mode Management offline: the content already consultedremainavailable without network- Available in English (default) and French
Funny Animals Watchface 1.00
Anthony St
A simple watchface for Android Wear, withmorethan 20 funny animals available.This watchface is very special ! Each animals have theireyeswhich follow to seconds hand.They will look at your finger when you press the watchface !More than 200 colors available to customize the background,theanimal color, the needles and the tick.Watchface available for square and circle watches, and forboysand girls ;)Many more animals will come in a next release !